
Edmonton Emoti-Games Ltd. exists to teach and promote the constructive mindset.

The company was formed in 2005 by Dr. Ralph Sinn. As a psychotherapist working with adults to form the constructive mindset, Dr. Sinn took notice of the requests of parents seeking ways to teach the principles of the constructive mindset to children.

Dr. Sinn’s Bin

“Her” – An Exploration of Relationship

The movie Her explores the dynamics of a fulfilling relationship, and the limitations in achieving the fulfillment that we desire. Being in relationship implies the interaction of two objects. In human relationships, each person has a choice to relate with the other in either a benevolent or malevolent attitude. The benevolent acknowledges and respects the other as a unique and independent identity with its own needs; the malevolent does not acknowledge the other as unique and independent, rather may ignore

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The basics and benefits of the constructive mindset is explained in Dr. Sinn’s first book, Put Your Potatoes on the Desktop.

The first chapter outlines the physiology of emotions and anger, and explains the difference between the destructive and the constructive mindsets.


FC Strategy® is a board game for 2 or 4 players. It is a strategy game based on the beautiful game, that is, the game of soccer (football).

The game can be played entirely as a strategy game, or it can be used as a resource to incorporate the understanding of the constructive mindset in contrast to the destructive mindset.

Future Projects

Be on the watch for further material about the constructive mindset.

Dr. Sinn is working on follow-up material consistent with the potato theme, and is also working on material about CMT, or Constructive Mindset Therapy and its place among the repertoire of the varied psychotherapeutic approaches.